I will end where I began.
Dear Agony is the approved fanlisting for Yoite, from the series, Nabari no Ou and has been online since 8th March 2013. Dear Agony is taken from Breaking Benjamin's latest album and track title. It's also one of my favorite songs by them and I found it to be fitting for Yoite. ❤
You are currently viewing version one of Dear Agony. Image is from minitokyo while textures are from dearest, expose42, yunhe and some more. Header titles are taken from Breaking Benjamin's Dear Agony. Theme was designed in Adobe Photoshop CS3 and hand-coded in Textmate. Site is powered by Enthusiast.
Find the enemy within.
Below are similar sites affiliated with Dear Agony. If you would like to be one, feel free to message me. Please note that I'll only accept Nabari no Ou related subjects.
The fanlisting has not been set up to have affiliates.