chased by time.
Greetings, stranger. You have come across Skyscraper, the fanlisting for the relationship between Roxas and Sora of the series Kingdom Hearts, approved by both The Anime Fanlistings Network and The Fanlistings Network. If you're a fan, please don't hesitate to join! ❤
22 & 0 · 29th Jan 2025
You are currently viewing version one of Skyscraper titled Sunset Drops. To learn more about the design, head over to the site page. If you need to contact me regarding the site, please see here. Enjoy your stay! ❤
What is a fanlisting? A fanlisting is essentially a cyber list of fans of a certain subject. The Fanlistings Network list and approve all except anime and manga subjects which are handled by The Anime Fanlistings Network.